Daikin, a global air conditioning manufacturing company, has its employee base spread across countries and was looking for solution to reach the employees in their native language.
The Intranet is a connecting tool for employees located across the world. The user-friendly intranet might fail to serve its purpose if it does not have a personal touch with the users. Giving the option to the users to read the content in the language they prefer, is an added advantage.
We used Azure translation services and configured 7 languages (Japanese, Mandarin, Indonesian, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai, Vietnamese). The translator tool was added as an extension, so the user can translate from anywhere on the site. Entire site contents except attachments are translated. The user is able comprehend the business in their own native language which brings real collaboration among the employees. The discussion board has a separate language option. The users can choose to comment using their preferred language and others can read it using translation tool similar to social networking tools.
Azure Translation services