Imagine starting a conversation with your colleague from a different location with the phrase, "Such a beautiful day, isn't it?". When in reality their situation is similar to the the image above! With our custom Weather webpart, we’ll ensure you never make that blunder again!
Get real-time weather updates for any of your facilities or customer locations, so you can avoid asking about sunshine when someone’s bracing for a category 5 storm.
A WebPart designed to help you stay up to date on the weather, not just for your current location, but also for your other facilities or your client locations. You can configure the SharePoint list with your organization's different locations across the globe.
The weather web part can be configured to automatically retrieve and display real-time weather updates from a SharePoint list that contains a list of locations. It can also be personalized to send email or Teams alerts to your colleagues in the event of severe weather forecasts.
1. Automatic Location Detection
2. Manual Location Selection with Searchable Input
3. User Preference Memory
4. Default Location Setting
5. Responsive Design
By integrating a weather web part, your company can help employees, clients, and partners make well-informed decisions, save time, and ensure a smooth operation, no matter what the skies are up to!